Spintronics in Nanostructures (16877-01)
days | time | place | |
Lectures | every Wednesday | 10:15-12:00 | Room 4.1 (Institute of Physics) |
Exercises | every Tuesday | 10:00-11:00 | Room 4.1 (Institute of Physics) |
Assistant | Mircea Trif (office 4.4, e-mail: [email protected]) |
Content | |||
I | Symmetry in Solid State Physics (3 lectures) | ||
II | k.p theory (3 lectures) | ||
III | Spin-Orbit Interactions (3 lectures) | ||
IV | Spin Coherence and Dynamics (4 lectures) | ||
Lecture Schedule | |||
# | date | lecture | exercises |
1 | 28.03.07 | Introduction to Symmetry in Physics. Basics of Group Theory. Point Groups1, 2, 3 | Assignment 1 |
2 | 04.04.07 | Classes. Characters. Irreducible Representations. Basis Functions1, 2, 3 | Assignment 2 |
3 | 11.04.07 | Examples. Group Theory in Quantum Mechanics. Double Groups. Space Groups. Magnetic Groups1, 2 | Assignment 3 |
4 | 18.04.07 | Electron in Crystals. Perturbation Theory. k.p Method. Irreducible Representations of Cubic Crystals. Double Groups1, 2 | Assignment 4 |
5 | 25.04.07 | Kane Hamiltonian1, 2, 4 | Assignment 5 |
6 | 02.05.07 | Dirak Electrons in Graphene and Nanotubes. Effective One-Band Hamiltonian (Folding Down) | Assignment 6 |
7 | 09.05.07 | Origin of Spin-Orbit Coupling. Thomas Term. Spin-Orbit Coupling in Semiconductors1, 2, 4 | Assignment 7 |
8 | 16.05.07 | Dresselhaus Spin-Orbit Coupling. Two-Dimensional Electron Gas. Rashba Spin-Orbit Coupling.1, 2 | Assignment 8 |
9 | 23.05.07 | Spin-Orbit Coupling for Holes1, 4. Spin-Orbit Coupling in Graphene and Nanotubes | Assignment 9 |
10 | 30.05.07 | Bloch-Redfield Theory5, 6 | Assignment 10 |
11 | 06.06.07 | Spin Relaxation and Decoherence5, 6 | Assignment 11 |
12 | 13.06.07 | Electron Spin Resonance. Electic-Dipole Spin Resonance. Spin Echo. Rabi Oscillations6 | Assignment 12 |
13 | 20.06.07 | Spin Hall Effect. Spin Current | Assignment 13 |
14 | 27.06.07 | Finish |
[1] M.S. Dresselhaus, G. Dresselhaus & A. Jorio, Group Theory: Application to the Physics of Condensed Matter (Springer, 2007).[2] G.L. Bir and G.E. Pikus, Symmetry and Strain-Induced Effects in Semiconductors (John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1974). [3] L.D. Landau & L.M. Lifshitz, Quantum Mechanics: non-relativistic theory (Elsevier, 1981), Chap. 12. [4] R. Winkler, Spin-Orbit Coupling Effects in Two-Dimensional Electron and Hole Systems (Springer, Berlin, 2003). [5] K. Blum, Density Matrix Theory and Applications (Springer, 1996). [6] Ch.P. Slichter, Principles of Magnetic Resonance (Springer, Berlin, 1996).
last updated on 28/03/2007